Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sightseeing Weekend: Freiburg and Konstanz

I love trains.

In related news, I went to two great cities this weekend: Freiburg and Konstanz.

Freiburg (Saturday)

I hopped on a train on Saturday morning to the sounds of the Black Keys' newest album "El Camino"(highly recommended, by the way).  Being Saturday, there was a large market surrounding the cathedral when I arrived.  I bought some wurst (sausage) and went on my merry old way taking photos.

I'll have to be more stealthy when taking crowd photos next time, the fellah with the 'stache and baseball cap doesn't look very approving.

Next, I went into the cathedral.  Nice stained glass windows, decorations, etc etc etc.  Another typical epic cathedral, except that it survived Freiburg's WWII bombings in an impressive fashion:

Some of you might ask how I got this picture.  Here are two clues: I wasn't alive in 1945, and I didn't get the chance to fly in an airplane.  The rest is for you to figure out.

After wandering around town for a while, I decided to climb as high as I could.  Looking around, I saw this tower:


So that's where I went.  The views were amazing:

However, on the way down something troubling caught my eye:

What's wrong with the Freiburg postal system?!?

Pondering that question as I walked back into the city, I saw a poorly hidden McDonalds restaurant in a 12th century arch.  I looked at the menu, and saw they served beer!  I immediately walked inside and ordered "ein bier, bitte" (I was promptly replied to in English).  They poured the beer into the same McDonalds cups everything else is served in, and I sat in the side of the arch to eat my chicken burger.

I forgot to take a picture, but you can see it here: Link

Then I bought some clothes and went home.

Well, almost.  While waiting for the train I snapped a couple spiffy pictures:

Urban tractor madness.

Do want.

Konstanz (Sunday)

Today I went to the lakefront city of Konstanz.  It's an absolutely stunning place, with ancient buildings and amazing views.  Check it.  You can see the Alps across the water.

Konstanz spreads across the German-Swiss border, so I ended up going to Switzerland today as well.  Twice.

The second time I walked across, I tried to buy some pizza from the local train station.  The lady told me the price, and I handed her a 5-euro bill.  She shook her said and said something about Francs, and in response I stared at her blankly, still holding the bill in front of her.   She continued talking, getting more and more frustrated.  I shrugged my shoulders she gave me an angry stare, snatched the money from my hand, gave me some Francs in change, and I walked out with pizza in hand - a much happier Ben.

I opted not to take a picture of her, she seemed disgruntled enough as it was.

Sundays are significantly less fun than Saturdays since everything is closed, which evidently causes serious tension among local inhabitants:

Street Brawl!  Immediate fight-or-flight response!  Figuring it wouldn't look very good on my part to fight toddlers, I chose flight and headed on home.


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